George Mockup.png


CLIENT: George Espinal For NYC Council


Create a functional and intuitive website for Mr. Espinal's Campaign.

Create a website that attracts new and existing voters and engages them in Georges Political Movement.

Make the Website Clean, Easy to use for all platforms.


This is the website I created for George Espinal for NYC Council. George's Website has clean simple interface with the American theme that is perfect for a politician. The red, white and blue colors emblem George's patriotism and his commitment to serve this country. A political website should engage the voter to take action in his or her community and instill trust in their politicians. This site not only conveys Georges political ideologies but enlightens voters to think informatively at the polls. Please check out the site at Thung Designs is Looking forward to helping George's future campaigns and commitment to the community. 


iPad in Hand Mockup.jpg

DISCIPLINE: Digital and Social Media

CLIENT: George Espinal For NYC Council


Create fun and inviting social media advertisements for Mr. Espinal's Campaign.

Create banners that attracts new and existing voters and engages them in Georges Political Movement.

Create banners to promote George Epsinal's Campaign and Achievements.


These are the social media advertisements I created for George Espinal's Campaign. George's online presence shows that he is a down to earth individual and allows him to connect with more voters. The red, white and blue colors emblem George's patriotism and his commitment to serve this country. The use of the flag for Independence day and the LGBT colors enhance each theme and connect him to the issue our country is facing. They not only convey Georges political ideologies but enlightens voters to think informatively at the polls. Thung Designs Looks forward to helping George's future campaigns and commitment to the community. 



CLIENT: George Espinal For NYC Council


Create fun and inviting logo for Mr. Espinal's Campaign, website and brand.

Create a logo that attracts new and existing voters and engages them in Georges Political Movement.

Create a logo to promote George Epsinal's Campaign and Achievements.


These are the logos I created for George Espinal's brand identity. After George's 2017 NYC Council Member campaign. George had ideas on how to transform his website into a political forum. We sat down and redeveloped his brand identity from the ground up. We started with the logo. We wanted to capture George's commitment to The Democratic Party and the American people. We went for flag inspired typography. The Bottom portion features a stripe of the flag and shows his engagement to bring New York Citie's communities forward. The flag in the E represents George's patriotism for our country and his integrity as a avid politician. We dodged the color scheme to give the logo more contrast and emphasis on his mission. The shortened GE logo is used for simple icons and applications like, flavacons, watermarks, and other design materials. This logo is a staple in George's branding as we continue to move his online presences forward. It was a pleasure to work with Epsinal again and re-brand his campaign.
